
Er worden posts getoond met het label Covid-19

Otitis media comorbidity to Covid-19?

Otitis media possible comorbidity to Covid-19? To all my colleagues and to the medical world in general i wish to share the following observation which may contribute in a more effective handling of the decease, possible faster recovery and maybe limit the loss of life in this pandemic. At this point i admit my observation is not extensive and based on three cases of undiagnosed flu-like symptoms and not on positively diagnosed Covid-19 patiƫnts. But in a time where the threat is serieus enough and casualties are high a sense of urgency outweigh my fear of being wrong about this. So premature as it is i am highly motivated to share this hypothesis. All three observed cases presented symptoms as a dry, unproductive cough, sore throat and sneezing. They presented no shortness of breath and they showed no signs of pneumonia. They did present possible symptoms of a changed sense of taste. So some, but not all symptoms of corona where present, and if these cases where Covid-19 ca...